Malta: Your Gateway to a Thriving Mediterranean Business Hub

Nestled in the heart of the Mediterranean, Malta beckons entrepreneurs and investors with its strategic location and a slew of business-friendly advantages. This island nation, with its rich history and modern outlook, serves as a dynamic gateway to opportunities in Europe and beyond. Let’s delve into the compelling advantages that await those who choose Malta for their business endeavours.
Company Setup in the Malta
Malta, known for its favorable holding company setup, versatile ship registration, and appealing tax rates, opens doors to Mediterranean prosperity. Optimize your business, sail international waters, and cut tax burdens with Globridge.

Unlock Malta's Potential for Success

Holding Company Headquarters

Malta stands out as a top choice for establishing holding company headquarters, thanks to its tax system and vast network of double taxation treaties, attracting global giants like Apple and Google. Opting for Malta as your holding company location means optimising your global business structure, reducing tax liabilities, and retaining more profits for reinvestment and growth.

Every Type of Ship Registration

For maritime businesses, Malta’s ship registration capabilities are second to none. The Maltese flag is highly regarded in the international maritime community, offering a comprehensive and efficient registration process for all types of vessels, from commercial fleets to luxury yachts.

Effective Tax Rates

Malta’s tax system is a business magnet with its low corporate tax rate, favorable imputation system, and extensive double taxation treaty network. It offers tax incentives including a 5% tax rate on foreign income, tax-free dividends from international companies in Malta.

Discover Malta’s potential with GloBridge! We simplify business in this Mediterranean gem, from forming holding companies to vessel registration and tax optimization.

Contact us to unlock success in Malta’s thriving business landscape. Your future begins with Globridge today!

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